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Okemo Entries

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:41 pm
by kindabratty328
Hi everyone,

I see a lot of folks who say they are attending on the Okemo 2 event page on Facebook. Haven't seen entries from a lot of you. We have received a lot of entries, including many new drivers. It is looking like we will reach out limit of 55 at this event. I don't want anyone to be left out, so if you know that you are definitely planning to drive, please send me an email so I can pencil you in on the list. You can email me at

Just a reminder.... workers, workers, workers... bring as many as you can. Also, bring a raffle prize if you are able. The raffle is our way of thanking the workers for all they do. No workers, no hillclimb ;)

See you on the mountain!
